Are you thinking of learning Reiki?

I have been teaching Reiki since 2013. It is one of my most favourite things to do. I feel honoured each time a student allows me to share this beautiful energy with them.

Over the years my understanding of Reiki has continued to deepen and the way that I teach continually evolves. But the questions that I get asked remain the same.

Below I will answer the most common questions I get asked in relation to learning Reiki. These answers are personal to me and do not reflect Reiki Masters as a whole.

Reiki for self healing

The questions I am answering are:

Q/ Why do people learn Reiki?

Q/ Who can learn Reiki?

Q/ How many levels of Reiki are there?

Q/ Do I have to learn all the levels of Reiki or can I just learn level 1?

Q/ What is a Reiki atttunement?

Q/ If I learn Reiki can I use it on myself to do self-healing?

Q/ Are there any prerequisites for learning Reiki?

Q/ Why should I learn Reiki?

Q/ Do you need to be intuitive to learn Reiki?

Q/ Will I be able to help my family and friends when they are unwell or going through a tough time, if I learn Reiki?

Q/ How long do I have to wait after I compete a level of training before I can do the next level?

Q/ How long does it take to learn each level?

Q/ What are Reiki symbols?

Q/ I learnt Reiki many years ago and haven’t used it for a very long time. Do I need to re-sit my training again?

Q/ I learnt Reiki remotely and didn’t have any face to face time with a Reiki Master and I don’t think I’m attuned properly, what should I do?

Q/ I have been attuned to level 1 by a different Reiki Master, can I do my level 2 and 3 with you?

Q/ Do all Reiki Masters teach the same way and the same things?

Q/ Does learning Reiki over Zoom or via distance have the same outcome as learning in-person?

Q/ I didn’t feel comfortable or feel that I relate to my Reiki teacher, can I do my training again with a different Reiki Master?

Now lets dive into the answers.

 Q/ Why do people learn Reiki?

Over the years I have come across many different reasons why people are drawn to learn Reiki. One example is for self-healing. A lot of people who have physical health challenges or are wanting to work on ‘bettering’ themselves spiritually, emotionally or mentally are drawn to Reiki. Also those who have friends or family members that are struggling, their desire to help them draws them to Reiki. Others are looking to have a career in Reiki healing or feel that it would complement the work they are already doing such as massage therapy, nursing, teaching, counselling and other types of service or health professions.

Q/ Who can learn Reiki?

Reiki is a modality that it suitable for everyone. If you have an open mind and willingness to learn energetic concepts, and a desire for self-growth or to help others, then learning Reiki would be wonderful for you.

Q/ How many levels of Reiki are there?

The traditional system of Reiki has 3 levels of training.

Level 1 focuses on gaining foundational knowledge and beginning your self-healing journey whilst also being able to practice on family and friends. You will have an introduction to the Reiki symbols in this level.

Level 2 is the practitioner level. You learn how to by-pass time and space to perform distance healings. You begin to work more deeply with the Reiki symbols. We explore a more holistic viewpoint by looking into the mind-body connection. This level also focuses on supporting you in a practitioner role, although you don’t need to have dreams of becoming a practitioner to benefit from this level.

Level 3 is the master level. This level is focused upon your inner self, about embracing Reiki into who you are and into every part of your existence.  Acknowledging how far you have come, coming to an understanding of what makes you and your connection to Reiki unique and where this journey is taking you. This level also allows you to teach Reiki in the future, if that is the path you are called to follow.

You can learn about what is included in each of my levels of training here.

Q/ Do I have to learn all the levels of Reiki or can I just learn level 1?

You can learn as many levels as you like. Some people are only looking to learn for self-healing so they are content with only learning level 1. Others go on to learn up to level 2, which is the practitioner level and some will go all the way and do all 3 levels of training. It is a personal thing.

Q/ What is a Reiki atttunement?

For each level of Reiki training the Reiki Master performs an attunement on the student. The purpose of the attunement is to ‘attune’ the student to the energy of Reiki. You can think of it as an initiation or a sacred act of connecting the student’s energy to the system of Reiki healing energy.

During an attunement the Reiki Master works with the student’s energy so that it is in a space to receive. The Reiki energy is place through the students hara line (central energy channel), into the energy centres (chakras) and into the palms. Reiki symbols are used during this process.

The student is asked to sit in a relaxed or meditative space (I talk my students through a meditation before every attunement), the Reiki Master will walk around the body working in the energy field and may place their hands on the student’s crown, shoulders and hold the student’s hands. This is a sacred and beautiful experience for the student and something to be cherished.

Q/ If I learn Reiki can I use it on myself to do self-healing?

Once you have been attuned to Reiki level 1 you are able to do Reiki healing treatments on yourself.

Q/ Are there any prerequisites for learning Reiki?

There are no prerequisites for Reiki level 1. You must complete level 1 before you can do level 2 and have completed levels 1 and 2 before you can do level 3. Each level of training builds upon the level before.

Q/ Why should I learn Reiki?

Learning Reiki is an act of empowerment. When you learn Reiki level 1 it gives you the ability to do self-healing, this can be very empowering. Instead of putting your own healing in the hands of another you are empowered to heal yourself. Dr Usui, the founder of Reiki always saw Reiki as a pathway to enlightenment. So through the act of learning Reiki and practicing it you are working on your own growth, wellbeing and development. It is a gift that will keep on giving.

I see Reiki as a wonderful foundation to energy work. When you learn Reiki you learn about energy and how to work with it. It’s like laying the concrete when your building a house. After the concrete is laid you then get to decide what form and design you would like your house to be based on your uniqueness.  Once you’ve learnt Reiki you can continue to build your skills by adding other modalities or things based on your interests and uniqueness. For example, you may have an interest in crystals, sound, colour, numerology, astrology or nature, just to name a few. These can easily be added to the foundation that you have built with Reiki.

Learning Reiki also gives you the ability to use this energy to help and assist others. Which can be very rewarding.

Q/ Do you need to be intuitive to learn Reiki?

Intuition plays a role in Reiki healing, but a strong connection to your intuition isn’t a requirement to learn. In fact, Reiki assists with opening and strengthening your connection to your intuition. When I first learnt Reiki I didn’t feel very connected to my intuition at all, but it has been something that has grown over time and I know will continue to grow.

Q/ Will I be able to help my family and friends when they are unwell or going through a tough time, if I learn Reiki?

A part of Reiki level 1 training focuses on how to use the energy to assist others. So yes once you have been attuned to Reiki level 1 you will be able to use it on friends and family. If you are wanting to work with others and be paid for it, you need to have completed your level 2 training, which is the practitioner level.

Q/ How long do I have to wait after I compete a level of training before I can do the next level?

Every Reiki Master will have a different answer for this question. For me personally I like to recommend a minimum of 4 weeks between levels. The reason for this is because it gives you time to assimilate the energies from your attunement and also to work through all the information shared and practice what you have learnt. Of course this is just a minimum timeframe, some people go months, even years between levels. It is a personal decision.

I have noticed over the years that the longer people wait between the levels the easier it is for them to lose momentum. That is why I now offer a 6 months Reiki mentorship and training program.

Q/ How long does it take to learn each level?

Each Reiki teacher will be different. I like to teach you all that you need to know and none of what you don’t. So the way that I teach is that each level of training is one day. If it is a private class you will need to allow approximately 4 hours. If it is a group class around 5 to 5.5 hours. We cover a lot of information in each class which can take some time to process. I offer on-going support for all of my Reiki students.

learning Reiki healing

Q/ What are Reiki symbols?

Within the system of Reiki you are taught how to use Reiki symbols. These symbols each represent a different aspect of Reiki and different vibrational levels of Reiki. Each symbol has a unique purpose and use. You can very easily perform a Reiki healing without the symbols, but if you choose to use them they can be a powerful aid.

The elements of the symbols are visual, sound and intellectual meaning.

The symbols will not work for someone without the proper Reiki attunement.

Q/ I learnt Reiki many years ago and haven’t used it for a very long time. Do I need to re-sit my training again?

Once you have been attuned to Reiki you are attuned for life. So a re-sit is not a requirement. The reasons why some people can be drawn to re-sit a level are because a lot of time has passed and they feel that they need a refresher. Another reason may be that when they originally learnt they didn’t feel they were ‘ready’ or in a place consciously or emotionally to take on all the knowledge or the concept of Reiki. Some people also don’t have a good experience the first time with maybe the group or the Reiki Master therefore what to learn again under different circumstances.

If you are unsure whether a re-sit is needed or right for you, I suggest that you discuss your concerns with a Reiki Master teacher and they will be able to guide you.

Q/ I learnt Reiki remotely and didn’t have any face to face time with a Reiki Master and I don’t think I’m attuned properly, what should I do?

I hear this a lot from people who have completed online Reiki training programs where all the classes are pre-recorded and the attunement is not done in real time. These programs are very impersonal and students do not have any face to face time with a Reiki Teacher and the learning is self-paced.

Personally I feel that this is ethically not the best way to be attuned to Reiki. Reiki is a sacred form of energy healing and the process of learning and being attuned to this energy should be respected with the student being made to feel special and supported ,with the day being made sacred and filled with personalised content and conversation.

If you have learnt this way and have doubts that you are attuned properly, this doubt will affect your trust in the energy and your ability to work with it. Therefore, I suggest you look at re-sitting your training under different circumstances.

If you have learnt this way but feel confident that you were attuned properly, that is wonderful, keep doing what you are doing.

Q/ I have been attuned to level 1 by a different Reiki Master, can I do my level 2 and 3 with you?

Yes you can, but because level 1 is a prerequisite for level 2, I will need to sight your level 1 certificate before we start your level 2 training.

Q/ Do all Reiki Masters teach the same way and the same things?

No they don’t. Early on when Reiki was first introduced to the modern world may of the Reiki teachers at the time added their own ‘flavour’ to the energy, this is why we have so many different strands of Reiki available. Even within each strand different methods and viewpoints have emerged over the years. Plus, as a society our consciousness continues to grow, therefore we need to continue to adapt.

Some teachers are very rigid in the way that they teach, some had strayed very far from the traditions and original structure, and some are not teaching for the right or ethical reasons.

When you learn Reiki you will be given a copy of your lineage. This will show you the path of learning taken. From this you may be able to decipher if the Reiki Master is teaching from a preserved lineage of learning directly from Dr Usui. When deciding on a Reiki Teacher you can ask to see the lineage.

If you are looking for a Reiki teacher the best thing you can do is follow your intuition, ask questions, read reviews, talk to friends and understand your priorities as a student.

As a teacher my style is to honour and preserve the tradition but never be stagnant or limiting. I offer you the knowledge and the structure but encourage you to follow your heart and your intuition and make Reiki unique to you.

Q/ Does learning Reiki over Zoom or via distance have the same outcome as learning in-person?

Yes. As you will learn in level 2, there is no separation we are all connected and energy is all connected, therefore from an energy perspective learning Reiki via distance is no different than in-person.

Being able to learn via distance is fantastic for those who are unable to travel or are housebound or who resonate with a Reiki teacher who may not live locally.

The way that I teach via distance is via Zoom, so we are still face to face and everything is done in real time, you can still ask questions as we go and the class can be tailored to you specifically. I have done many attunements via Zoom and I find the students have the same experience, feelings and sensations.

The choice of in-person or via distance is yours to make, choose whichever feels right for you.

Q/ I didn’t feel comfortable or feel that I relate to my Reiki teacher, can I do my training again with a different Reiki Master?

The teacher you choose can make a massive difference to your experience and how you relate and connect to this energy healing system. If you feel that you can’t resolve these feelings or work through them with your teacher, then yes maybe you should seek out a different Reiki Master.

I hope that your questions have been answered. If not please email me at and I would be happy to answer them for you.

I wish you all the best on your Reiki journey. 

From my soul to yours Paris